Safety Plan » Earthquake Procedures

Earthquake Procedures

Earthquakes generally occur without warning and may cause minor to serious ground shaking, damage to buildings, and injuries. It is important to note that even a mild tremor can create a potentially hazardous situation and the following procedures should be implemented in response to all earthquakes regardless of magnitude. 


Note: Keep calm and remain where you are. Assess the situation, and then act. Remember, most injuries 

or deaths are the direct cause of falling or flying debris.

  1. Upon the first indication of an earthquake, teachers should direct students to DROP, COVER AND HOLD-ON as described in Section 4.0.
  2. Move away from windows and overhead hazards to avoid glass and falling objects.
  3. When the shaking stops, the school administrator will initiate the EVACUATE BUILDING action as  described in Section 4.0. Staff and students will evacuate the buildings using prescribed routes or other safe routes to the Assembly Area.
  4. In the event of an evacuation, teachers will bring their student roster, any classroom "Go" kit and take attendance at the Assembly Area to account for students. Teachers will notify the Assembly Area Team of  missing students or any student that was left behind.
  5. The school administrator will direct the Security/Utilities Team to post guards a safe distance away from building entrances to prevent access.
  6. The Security/Utilities Team will notify school personnel of fallen electrical wires and instruct them to avoid touching the fallen wires.
  7. The First Aid/Medical Team will set up the first aid station, check for injuries and provide appropriate first aid.
  8. The school administrator will direct the Planning and Intelligence Team to notify the appropriate utility company of damages (e.g., gas, power, water, or sewer).
  9. If the area appears safe, the Search and Rescue Team will make an initial inspection of school buildings to identify any injured or trapped students or staff.
  10. The school administrator will contact the Educational Service Center Administrator of Operations to determine additional actions that may be necessary. In turn, the actions will be communicated to the District's Emergency Operations Center.