Academics » Social Emotional

Social Emotional

Second step

Second Step is the district mandated social-emotional program for elementary schools. We are thrilled to have the updated version of this program for our students this school year. Second Step teaches students in Kindergarten – 6th grade skills for making friends, managing emotions, and solving problems.

Teachers have begun teaching the program; and student are enjoying the lessons. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this program, please see your child’s teacher.

Home Links” (i.e., the pages that get sent home for parents to work on with their child(ren)).

Here is an example of a lesson for Second Grade: 


What is my child learning? Your child is learning how to be respectful at school.

Why is it important? Being respectful helps children be better learners.

Ask your child: How do you behave respectfully at school?

Read together: There are many ways to be respectful at school. You can:

  • Be kind and polite
  • Take turns
  • Pay attention and listen to the speaker
  • Raise your hand to speak

Practice Together: Record of Request

1. Discuss with your child ways he or she showed you or others respect today

2. Write examples of the respectful behavior. “Today I showed respect by….”

See also Second Step and Committee for Children for more information. 

What is Social Emotional Learning? 

Self-Awareness: Know your strengths and limitations with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a "growth mindset."

Self-Management: Effectively manage stress, control impulses, and motivate yourself to set and achieve goals. 

Social-Awareness: Understand the perspectives of others and empathize with them. We are all unique. 

Relationship Skills: Communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, and seek and offer help.

Responsible Decision-Making: Make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethics and safety. 

Restorative Justice

One effective way to describe restorative justice in schools is to explain restorative justice as it
applies to three different contexts.

  • TIER 1 (UNIVERSAL) : Community Building circles through strengthening relationships among all stakeholders to create a thoughtful and caring school community
  • TIER II (TARGETED) : Harm Circles aim to repair relationships when misconduct happens and making things as right as possible for the harmed and harmer
  • TIER III (INTENSIVE) : Re-entry Circles aims to re-integrate students into the classroom and school after they have been excluded from the classroom through referrals out of classes, suspensions, expulsions and detention in Juvenile Hall

The three-tiered approach when integrated as a whole school approach will:

  • Create healthy, relationship-based environments where harm and wrongdoing are minimized
  • Repair relationships in which a harm or wrongdoing has been done while
  • Strengthen and transform those relationships so future harm does not occur

Six Pillars of Character

1. Trustworthiness: I can show I am trustworthy by being honest and doing what I know is right even when no one is watching.

2. Respect: I can show respect by using my manners, solving problems peacefully, and treating others the way I want to be treated.

3. Responsibility: I can show responsibility by being a role model for others, having self control, and doing what I know is right

4. Fairness: I can show fairness by listening to others, being open-minded, taking turns and sharing.

5. Caring: I can show I care by being compassionate, helpful, kind, and forgiving others.

6. Citizenship: I can show citizenship by cooperating, being a good friend to others, and doing my best to make my home, school, and community a better place.